( All links below lead to pages in Croatian (apart from Adriatic summer school notes
at the end))
- At the Department of Physics, University of Zagreb I presently teach following
undergraduate courses:
- Previously I taught following udergraduate courses:
- Napredno programiranje (Advanced programming) ISVU: 40731 (2301I)
- Kvantna fizika i struktura materije, vježbe (Quantum physics and the structure of matter, exercises)
- Uvod u energetiku, vježbe (Introduction to energetics, exercises)
- Relativistička kvantna fizika, vježbe (Relativistic quantum physics, exercises)
- Fizikalna kozmologija (vježbe) (Physical Cosmology, excercises)
- Links to some papers in Croatian that I wrote which can be used for teaching and
self-teaching purposes can be found here
- I also taught "Feynman Diagrams for Beginners" at the international
postgraduate summer school
School on Particle Physics and Physics Informatics, Split,
Croatia, 11 - 21 September 2001.
Lecture notes: PDF