More Website Templates @ - December 16, 2013!


Materijali i upitnik za raspored prezentacija


Početkom idućeg tjedna na Teams platformi biti će dostupni zadnji materijali sa predavanja, kao i upitnik (forma) za dogovor oko termina prezentiranja. Dva tjedna prije ispitnih rokova biti će također dostupna forma preko koje će se dogovoriti vrijeme ispita u danom razdoblju.

Teaching subjects

Cell Biophysics

Supramolecular structure of eukaryotic cells. Structure and function of the cytoskeleton. Viscoelastic properties of the cells. Biological molecular motors, cell motility. Influence of mechanical force on the structural changes of proteins and protein filaments.
Communication is performed mainly through Teams platform

Statistics and basic measurements (Prof. Mihael Makek)

Basic formulae for data analysis, graphical presentation of the measurements, basic combinatory, axiomatic probability theory, several discrete distributions, Gauss distribution with central limit theorem, multidimensional random variables, law of large numbers, estimators, Gamma function, three laboratory exercises.
Communication is performed mainly through Merlin platform