[seminar] P. Blanchard, 11h (s.t.), J. Gracia-Bondia 14h (c.t.), 20.10. (utorak), predavaona I krila IRB

Kornelija Passek-Kumericki passek at atila.irb.hr
Tue Oct 13 16:25:54 CEST 2015

                       SEMINAR  TEORIJSKE  FIZIKE

   (Zajednički seminari Fizičkog odsjeka PMF-a te Zavoda za teorijsku
    fiziku i Zavoda za eksperimentalnu fiziku IRB-a)


   Datum:  utorak, 20. listopada 2015.
   Mjesto: IRB, predavaona I krila

Dva predavanja u okviru Simpozija Vladimir Jurko Glaser:
( http://www.irb.hr/Razno/Kalendari-dogadanja-na-IRB-u/Dogadanja/Simpozij-Vladimir-Jurko-Glaser )

1.)  Vrijeme: 11 sati s.t.

Selected pieces of  V. Glaser's typical publications

Phillipe Blanchard
Uni. Bielefeld, Germany


Mathematics is the product of the free human mind while physics is a 
natural science with just a goal namely uncovering the structure of 
matter. The role of mathematics in physics was always taken by 
physicists with mixed feeling of admiration and irritation. Mathematics 
was never more useful than it is today as an essential tool in achieving 
progress for the expression of their pertinent concepts and results in 
quantum physics and quantum field theory. V. Glaser was a great 
mathematical physicist and used both disciplines with an exceptional 
clarity and elegance.

In my talk I shall try to describe some examples who illustrate Jurko's 
remarkable skill.

- Stability of matter
- Semi-classical limit
- Axiomatic QFT (analyticity properties, from Euclidean to Wightman 
- Higgs potential and supersymmetric theories

2.)  Vrijeme: 14 sati c.t.

A case study in Epstein-Glaser renormalization

J. Gracia-Bondia
Uni. Zaragoza, Spain


In almost every book of quantum field theory (QFT) one finds the neat
formula for the scattering matrix. However, every practitioner knows that this is only the beginning of trouble, since the expression is not really defined: the (in)famous ultraviolet divergences of QFT originate in this fact. The virtue of Epstein-Glaser (EG) renormalization is that it deals with the problem by the methods of distribution theory, in such a way that all quantities appearing in the calculations are mathematically well defined.
Formula for scattering matrix is perturbative, and its essential complications, as well as the
method of their solution, are already evident at second order. So we shall proceed
by a particularly instructive second-order case study, to wit, the Compton effect for spinless particles. Typically, at second order we encounter tree graphs as well as loop graphs.
In EG renormalization, the distinction between them is to some extent erased.
This is illustrated in the model at hand, leading to quantum gauge invariance.
If time allows, we would also tackle the basic loop graph for vacuum
polarization in our scalar electrodynamics model by the EG procedures.

Voditeljica seminara: Kornelija Passek-Kumericki (passek at irb dot hr)
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