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prof. dr. sc. Anđelka Tonejc

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Published Papers

              1.    V.  Vujnovic,  T.  Ivezic  and  A. M. TONEJC,  Relative  and  absolute  oscillator
                      strenght  of  copper  lines  in  the  visible,  Procceed.  IV   Symp.  Phys.  Ionized Gases, 

                      Herceg  Novi,  15.  24.8.  (1968)  37.
               2.    A. M. TONEJC  and  V.  Vujnovic,  Spectroscopic  determination  of  temperature
                      and  electron  concentration  in  low  current  arc,  Proceed. IX  Inter.  Conf.  on Phenomena

                      in  Ionized  Gases, Bucharest  (1969)  629.
               3.    A. M. TONEJC  and  V.  Vujnovic,  An  interferometric  analysis  of  the profiles of spectral

                      lines emitted by a low  temperature  arc, Fizika  2  (1970)  73.
               4.    K.  Acinger,  D.  Muller,  G.  PichlerA. M. TONEJC  and  V.  Vujnovic, Measurements
                      on a wall  stabilized  argon  arc,  Fizika  2,  Suppl.1,  (1970)  85.
               5.    V.  VujnovicA. M. TONEJC  and  K.  Acinger,  An  application  of  the curve  of
                      growth  in  emission  line  technique,  Proc.  Second  Conf.  on Atomic Spectroscopy,
                      Hannover  (1970)  75.
               6.    A. M. TONEJC and  K.  Acinger,  Measurements  of  halfwidths  of  ArI lines  6965  A,
                      6067  A,  7147  A  and  7272    A,  Third  Europen  Groop  for Atomic  Spectroscopy,
                      Reading,  Engleska  (1971)  82.
               7.    G.  Pichler,  V.  VujnovicA. M. TONEJC  and  K.  Acinger,  A  study  of excitation
                      condition  in  a  free burning  rc between Cu electrodes with  currents  from 1 to

                      15 A, Spectrochimica  Acta  27B (1972)  273.
               8.    A. M. TONEJC,  K. Acinger  and  V. Vujnovic,  Measurements  of halfwidths  of  some
                      argon  lines  in  a  wall  stabilized  cascade  arc, J.  Quant.  Spec.  Rad.  Transfer
                      12  (1972)  1305.
               9.    A. M. TONEJC,  Measurements  of  halfwidths  of  certain  argon  lines, J.  Quant.
                      Spec. Rad.  Transfer  12  (1972)  1713.
             10.    A. M. TONEJC and  K.  AcingerAnaliza  instrumentalnih   karakteristika Fabry
                      Perotovog interferometraZbornik  V  kongresa   mat.  i  fizi  astronoma Jugoslavije,

                      Fizika,  Tom  II  (1972)  439.
             11.    V.  Vujnovic,  G.  PichlerA. M. TONEJC,  K.  Acinger  and  D.  Muller, Absolute and
                      relative  line  intensity  measurements  when  the spectral  lines are  not    optically thin , 

                      J.  Quant.  Spec.  Rad.  Transfer  13  (1973)  1465.
             12.    A. M. TONEJC,  A.  Tonejc  and  A.  Bonefacic,  Nonequilibrium  phases in  Al  rich  Al-
                      Pt alloys,  J.  Mater.  Sci.  9  (1974)  523 - 526.
             13.    A. M. TONEJC,  A. M. Tonejc and  A.  Bonefacic,  Atomic  volume expansions  of Ag+
                      52wt.%Cd  alloy,  Phys.  Lett.  49A  (1974)  145 - 146.
             14.    V.  Vujnovic and  A. M. TONEJC,  Line  oscilator  strengths  derived  from measurements 

                      of  the  absorption  coefficient  at  the  line   center,  Proc.  IV Intern.  Conf.  on  Atomic 

                      Physics,  Heidelberg    (1974)  183.
             15.    A. M. TONEJC,  A.  Kirin  and  A.  Bonefacic,  X  ray  diffraction  study of  splat
                      quenched  Ag - 6at.%Sn  and  Ag  -11at.%Sn  alloys,  Fizika  8  (1976)  87.
             16.    A. M. TONEJC  and  D.  Kunstelj,  Investigation  of  vacancy  loops  and precipitates
                      in  Al - 3d  alloys  rapidly  quenched  from  the  melt,  Fizika  8,  Suppl.  1 (1976)  194.
             17.    A. M. TONEJC and A. Kirin, X ray diffraction study of splat quenched  Ag -Sn alloys,
                      Proc. III Intern. Conf. on Rapidly Quenched Metals,  Vol.  1  (1978)  176-179.
             18.    A. M. TONEJC and  A.  Bonefacic,  X  ray  broadening  study  of  splat quenched  AgSn
                      alloys,  J.  Mater.  Sci.  15 (1980)  415.
             19.    A. M. TONEJC,  A.  Tonejc  and  A.  Bonefacic,  Non  equilibrium  phases in  rapidly
                      quenched  Al  rich  Al  Pt  alloys,  Fizika  12,  Suppl.  1   (1980)  117 - 121.
             20.    A.  Tonejc  and  A. M. TONEJC,  X  ray  diffraction  study  on phase  transition of Cu2Se,

                      J.  Solid  State Chem.  39 (1981)  259 - 261.
             21.    D. DuzevicA. M. TONEJC  and  V.  Krasevec,  Metallographic  and structural
                      investigations  of  levitation  splat  cooled  cobalt  base cobalt  refractory  carbide
                      alloys,  Mat.  Sci.  Monographs  14,   Sintering, Theory  and  Practice,  Elsevier  Sci.
                      Pub.  Comp, Amsterdam  (1982)  373 - 378.
             22.    A. M. TONEJC,  A.  Tonejc  and  D.  Kunstelj,  Electron  microscopic determination  of
                      structural  defects  in  liquid  quenched  Ag  Sn alloys  and  their  dependence on internal 

                      residual  stresses,   Metallography  17  (1984)  165 -173.
             23.    A. M. TONEJC,  V.  Krasevec,  A.  Tonejc,  Microstructure  of different  structural
                      transformation in  Co - 10wt.%TaC  induced  by rapid  quenching,  "Rapidly quenched  

                      metals",  Elsvier  Science Publishers  B.  V.,  Amsterdam,  (1985)  875 - 878.
             24.    A. M. TONEJC,  A.  Tonejc,  V.  Krasevec,  Microstructure  in  Co-10wt.%TaC  alloys
                      induced  by  rapid  quenching,  Science  of Sintering  18  (1986)  79- 85.
             25.    A. M. TONEJC  and  A.  Kirin,  X  ray  diffraction  profile  analysis  of hexagonal  cobalt
                      in  metastable  compact  powders,  Fizika  9  (1987) 191 - 196.
             26.    A. M. TONEJC  and  V.  Krasevec,  On  the  microstructure  of  rapidly quenched
                      Co - 10wt.%TaC,  Metallography  21  (1988)  41 - 53.
             27.    A. M. TONEJC  and  A.  Tonejc,  Massive  and  martensitic  phases  in  Cu-Ga
                      alloys,  Zeitschrift  fur  Kristalographie  185  (1988)  184.
             28.    A. M. TONEJC,  A.  Tonejc  and  V.  Krasevec,  On  the  microstructure in  rapidly
                      quenched  alloys  with  martensitic  phases.  Proceed.  III Balkan  Congress  on
                      Elect. Microscopy,  Athens  University,  1989, 259 - 260.
             29.    A. M. TONEJC  and  A.  Tonejc,  Appearance  of  massive  and martensitic  phases  in
                      CuGa  alloys rapidly  quenched  from  the melt,  Fizika  21,  Suppl.1  (1989)  167 - 170.
             30.    A.  Tonejc,  D.  Duzevic  and A. M. TONEJC,  Effects  of  ball  milling on  pure  Ga+Sb
                      powder mixtures;  oxidation,  glass  formation  and crystallization,  Mat.  Sci.  Engng.
                      A132  (1990)  91- 95.
             31.    A.  TonejcA. M. TONEJC  and  D.  Duzevic,  Estimation  of  peak temperature
                      reached by  particles  trapped  among  colliding  balls  in  the  ball  milling  process
                      using  excessive  oxidation  of  antimony, Scripta  Metall.  et  Mater.  25 (1991)  1111 - 1113.
             32.    A. M. TONEJC  and  A.  Tonejc,  X  ray  diffraction  study  of  massive and  martensitic
                      phases  in  eutectoid  Cu - Ga  alloy  rapidly  quenched from  the  melt,    Fizika  23
                      (1991)  47 - 53.
             33.    A. M. TONEJC,  A.  Tonejc  and  V.  Krasevec,  Transmission  electron microscopy
                      study of  ball  milled  Ga - 88at%Sb  alloy,  Electron Microscopy  92,  Vol.  II:  Material
                      Science,  (1992)  353.
             34.    A. M. TONEJC,  D.  Bagovic  and  A.  Tonejc,  The  lattice  resolution in  ball  milled
                      alumina (corundum)  and  in  Al  Zn  alloy,  Periodicum  Biologorum  95  (1993)  283 - 284.
             35.    A.  Tonejc,  C.  Kosanovic,  M.  Stubicar, A. M. TONEJC, B.  Subotic, and I.  Smit,
                      Equivalence  of  ball  milling  and  thermal  treatment  for  phase transitions  in  the
                      Al2O3 system,  Journal  of   Alloys  and  Compounds204 (1994) L1-L3.
             36.    A.  Tonejc,  M.  Stubicar, A. M. TONEJC , K.  Kosanovic,  B.  Subotic, and  I. Smit,
                      Transformation of  gama-AlOOH (boehmite)  and Al(OH)3 (gibbsite)  to alfa-Al2O3 
                      (corundum) induced by high-energy  ball  milling,   J.  Mater.  Science  Letters 13 (1994)
                      519-  520.
             37.    A.  Tonejc, A. M. TONEJC, D.  Bagovic,  and C. Kosanovic, Comparison  of the
                      transformation  sequence  from gama- AlOOH  (boehmite)  to alfa-Al2O3   (corundum)
                      induced  by   heating and  by  ball  milling,   Materials  Science  and Engineeering  A  181/182
                      (1994)  1227-1231.
             38.    A. M. TONEJC, D. Bagovic and M. Tudja, Transmission electron microscopy study of
                      ball-milled Ga-Sb powder mixture, Materials Letters 20 (1994) 51-61.
             39.    A. M. TONEJC and D. Bagovic, Observation of an amorphous phase in mechanically
                      ground Ga-88at.% Sb powder mixture, Proceeding of 13 th Inter. Conf. On Electron
                      Microscopy, Vol. 2B,Paris, 1994, 801-802.
             40.    B. Subotic, A. M. TONEJC, D. Bagovic, A. Cizmek, and T. Antonic, Electron diffraction
                      and infrared spectroscopy  of amorphous aluminosilicate gels, in Zeolites and Related 

                      Microporous Materials: State of the Art 1994, Part A, Editors  J. Weitkamp, H. G. Karbe,

                      H. Pfeifer and W. Holderich (Elsevier Amsterdam, 1994) 259-266.
             41.    S. Surinach, A. Otero, M. D. Baro, A. M. TONEJC  and D. Bagovic, Nanocrystallization
                      of amorphous FeCuNbSiB based alloys, Nanostructured Materials  6 (1995)  461- 464.
             42.    I. Vickovic, A. Suste, H. Falk, N. Kosutic-Hulita, and A. M. TONEJCSinthesis and
                      Structure  of Pyridinologous linear 3- and tetrapyrrole metal complexes, Monatsh.
                      Chem. 126 (1995)  971-982.
             43.    A. M. TONEJC and A. Tonejc, Zirconia solid solutions ZrO2 - Y2O3 (CoO or Fe2O3),
                      Material Science Forum 225-227 (1996)  497-502.
             44.    A. M. TONEJC, M. Gotic, B. Grzeta, S. Music, S. Popovic, R. Trojko, A. Turkovic and
                      I.  Musevic, Transmission electron studies of nanophase TiO2, Materiasl Scienec and
                      Engineering  B40  (1996)  177-184.
             45.    A. M. TONEJC, A. Tonejc, G. W.  Farrants and S. Hovmoler, Investigation of process
                      of  mechanical alloying of ZrO2 and Y2O3 powders using HREM image processing ,
                      Proceedings of IX   Conference on Electron Microscopy of Solids, Krakow- Zakopane,
                      Poland (1996) 367.
             46.    A. M. TONEJC, A. Tonejc, G. W. Farrants ans S. Hovmoller, Investigation of beginning
                      of mechanical alloying of ZrO2 - Y2O3 powders using HREM image processing ,
                      Proceedings of XI European Congres on Microscopy, Dublin , Ireland, Vol.2, M4 (1996) 11-12.
             47.    V. Bermanec and A. M. TONEJC, SEM, SAED and HREM study of exosolution lamellae 

                      in cymrite from Necilovo Macedonia, Proceedings of XI European Congres on

                      Microscopy, Dublin , Ireland, Vol.2, B13 (1996) 10-11.
             48.    A. Turkovic, M. Ivanda, S. Popovic, A. M. TONEJC, M. Gotic,  P. Dubcek and S.

                      Music,  Comparative Raman, XRD, HREM and SAXS studies of grain sizes in nanophase

                      TiO2 , Journal of Molecular Structure  410-411  (1997) 271-273.
             49.    A.Sekulic, K. Furic, A. Tonejc, A. M. TONEJC and M. Stubicar, Determination of the
                      monoclinic, tetragonal and cubic phases in mechanically alloyed  ZrO2 - Y2O3 and
                      ZrO2 - CoO powder mixtures by Raman spectroscopy, J. Mater. Sci. Letters  16
                      (1997) 260-262 .
             50.    A. M. TONEJC,  A. Turkovic, M. Gotic, S. Music, M. Vukovic, R. Trojko and A. Tonejc,
                      HREM, TEM and XRD observation of nanocrystalline phases in TiO2 obtained by
                      sol-gel method, Materials Letters 31 (1997) 127-131.
             51.    A. Turkovic, A. M. TONEJC, S. Popovic, P. Dubcek, M. Ivanda, S. Music and M. Gotic,
                      Transmisson elektron microscopy, X- ray diffraction and Raman scattering studies of
                      nanophase TiO2 , Fizika  A 6 (1997) 77-88.
             52.    A. M. TONEJC, A. Turkovic, A.Tonejc, X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy study
                      of nanosize CeO2 as photoanode for dye-sensitized solar cell, Jour. of Computer-
                      Assisted Microscopy 9 (1997) 55-56.
             53.    A. M. TONEJC, A. Tonejc, G. W.  Farrants and S. Hovmoler, HREM image processing
                      study occuring in mechanically alloyed ZrO2-10mol%Y2O3  powders, Mater. Sci.
                      Forum, 269-277 (1998) 357-362.
             54.    A. M. TONEJC, N. Ramsak, A. Prodan, A. Tonejc, A. Khalladi, S. Surinach, M. D. Baro,
                      Correlation between microstructure and soft-magnetic properties of FeCuNbSiB based

                      alloys,  Nanostructured Materials 12 (1999) 667-680.
             55.    A. Khalladi, Z. Tong, S. Surinach, A. M. TONEJC, A. Tonejc, M. D. Baro,
                      Nanocrystallization process in FeCuNbSiB based alloys,  Materials Science Forum 307 (1999)

             56.    M. Ivanda, S. Music, M. Gotic, U. V. Desnica, A. M. TONEJC, T. Bischof and W. Kiefer,
                      The effects of crystal size on the Raman spectra of nanophase CdSxSe1-x, TiO2 and

                      GaAs, Functional Materials 6 (1999) 530-534.
             57.    M. Ivanda, S. Music, M. Gotic, A. Turkovic, A. M. TONEJC, and O. Gamulin, The
                      effects of crystal size on the Raman spectra of nanophase TiO2 ,  J. Mol. Structure 480-481

                      (1999) 641-644.
             58.    A. M. TONEJC, A. Tonejc, G. W.  Farrants and S. Hovmoler, Evidence on Mechanical

                      Alloying  in Ball Milled ZrO2-10mol%Y2O3 system based on HRTEM image processing

                      analysis,  Croatica  Chemica  Acta 72 (1999) 311-326.
             59.    A. M. TONEJC, N. Ramsak, A. Prodan, S. Surinach, M. D. Baro, Nanocrystallisation

                      mechanisms in  FeCuNbSiB-type alloys from comparative HREM, STM, TGM and

                      calorimetric studies,  Materials Science & Engineering B 63 (1999) 238-246.

             60.    A. M. TONEJC, I. Ðerð, M. Gotic, S. Music, S. Popovic and  M. Tudja, TEM,

                      HRTEM, SEM and X-ray diffraction study of iron doped TiO2 , Proceedings of 1st Congress

                      of the Croatian Society for elecgron Microscopy , Zagreb, Croatia 1999)  84-85.

             61.    A. M. TONEJC, High-Resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM): image

                      processing  analysis of  defects and grain boundaries in nanocrystalline materials, Acta Chim.

                       Sloven. 46 (1999) 435-461.
             62.    A. M. TONEJC, I. Ðerð, M. Gotic, M. Tudja, S. Popovic, A. Tonejc, and S. Music: TEM,

                      HRTEM, SEM and X-ray diffraction study of iron doped TiO2 , Proceedings of 4th Multinational

                      Congress on Electron Microscopy,  Veszprem, Hungary, (1999) 375-376.
             63.    A. M. TONEJC, I. Ðerð, A. Tonejc, HRTEM image processing analysis on nanocrystalline  iron-

                      titanium powders,   Proceedings of 12th European Congress on Electron Microscopy,  Brno,

                      Czech Republic, Vol II (2000) 303-304.
             64.    A. Bilušic, S. Gradecak, A. Tonejc, A. M.  TONEJC, J.C. Lasajunias, A. Smontara, Transport 

                      properties of  fullerite samples, Synthetic Metals 121 (2001) 1121-1122.
             65.    A. M. TONEJC, I. Ðerđ, A. Tonejc, An analysis of evolution of grain size-lattice parameter

                      dependence in  nanocrystalline TiO2 anatase,  Mater. Sci. Engng. C 19 (2001) 85-89.
             66.    A. Smontara, A. M. TONEJC, S. Gradecak,  A. Tonejc, A. Bilušic, J.C. Lasajunias, Structural
                      (XRD and HRTEM) investigations of fullerite C60 and C70 samples,  Mater.  Sci. Engng. C 19

                      (2001) 21-25.
             67.    A. M. TONEJC, I. Djerdj, A. Tonejc, Evidence from HRTEM image processing, XRDand EDS
                      on nanocrystalline iron-doped titanium oxide powders, Mater. Sci. Eng. B85 (2001) 55-63.
             68.    A. M. TONEJC, I. Ðerđ, A. Tonejc, Structure of ball milled ZrO2 and  ZrO2-10mol%Y2O3
                      powdes revealed by HRTEM image processing, Fizika 10 (2001) 177-190.
             69.    M. Ivanda, A. M. TONEJC, I. Djerdj, M. Gotic, S. Music, G. Mariotto, and M. Montagna,

                      Determination of  nanosize particle distribution by low frequency Raman scattering: comparison

                      to electron microscopy in "Springer Lecture  Notes in Physics: Nanoscale Spectroscopy and

                      Its Application to Semiconductor Resaarch", Eds: Y. Watanabe, S. Heun,  G. Salviati, N.

                      Yamamoto, Springer, 2002, 24-36.
             70.    J.C. Lasajunias, M. Saint-Paul, A. Bilusic, A. Smontara, S. Gradecak, A. M. TONEJC,

                      A.Tonejc, N. Kitamura, Acoustic and thermal  transport properties of hard carbon formed

                      from C60 fullerene, Phys. Rew. B 66 (2002) 1-12.

             71.    A. Smontara, A. Bilušić, J. C. Lasjaunias, M. Saint-Paul, S. Gradecak, A. M. Tonejc,

                      A. Tonejc, N. Kitamura, S. Bennington, Thermal and elastic properties of hard carbon,

                      Strojarstvo 44  (2002) 195-200.

             72.    V. Lopac, A. M. TONEJC and N. Pecina, The Past and Present of Physics in Croatia: Gender 

                      Differences in Graduation Statistics and Textbook Illustrations, in "Woman in Physics", IUPAP  

                      International Conference on Woman in Physics, Eds. B.K. Hartline and Dongqi Li, Paris, France,

                      2002, 149-150.

             73.    Z. Skoko, I. Djerdj, S. Popović, A. M. TONEJC, Microstructure of Al-Zn Alloys,

                     ‘’Proceedings of 6th multinational congress on microscopy’’, Eds. O. Milat, D. Ježek, Zagreb,

                      Croatian Society for Electron Microscopy, 2003, 468.

             74.    I. Djerdj, A. M. TONEJC, A. Tonejc, The calculation of the average grain size of nanocrystalline
                      titania by means od electron microscopy and XRD, ‘’Proceedings of 6th multinational congress
                      on microscopy’’, Eds. O. Milat, D. Ježek, Zagreb, Croatian Society for Electron Microscopy,


             75.    A. M. TONEJC, I. Djerdj, HRTEM Processing investigation of  nanocrystalline materials,
                     ‘’Proceedings of 6th multinational congress on microscopy’’, Eds. O. Milat, D. Ježek, Zagreb,
                      Croatian Society for Electron Microscopy, 2003, 213-214.

             76.    M. Ivanda, S. Musić, M. Gotić, M. Ristić, A. Turković, A. M. TONEJC, I. Đerđ, M. Montagna,
                      M. Ferrari, Z. Crnjak Orel
, W. Kiefer, Raman Technique in Determination of Size Distribution
                      Semiconductor Nanoparticles, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Nanostructural
                      Materials, June 20- 24, 2004. Wiesbaden, Germany

             77.   M. Ivanda, K. Furić, S. Musić, M. Gotić, M. Ristić, A. Turkovič, A.M. TONEJC, I. Djerdj, Z.
                      Orel, M. Montagna. M. Ferrari, M. Schmitt, C. Babocsi, W. Kiefer, Application of Raman
                      scattering technique in determination of size distribution of different type of nanoparticles,  Proc.
                      XIXth Intern. Conf. Raman Spectroscopy,   Eds. P. M. Fredericks, R. L. Frost and L. Rintoul,
                      CSIRO Publishing, Brisbane, Australia (2004), p. 615- 616.
              78.   S
. Musić, M. Gotić, M. Ristić, A. Turković, A. M. TONEJC, I. Đerđ, Z. Crnjak Orel, M.
                      Montagna, M. Ferrari, M. Schmitt, K. Babocsi, Raman Technique in Determination of Size
                      Distribution of Oxide and Semiconductor Nanoparticles,Proceedings
of International
                      Conference on Optoelectronics and Spectroscopy of Nano-Structured IThin films and Materials,
                      Edited by Yan Fang, Peking, Kina, pp. 47-48  (2004).

              79.   I.  Djerdj, A. M. TONEJC, A. Tonejc, N. Radić, XRD line profile analysis of tungsten thin
                      films, Vacuum 80 (2005) 151-158.
              80.   I. Djerdj, A. M. TONEJC, M. Bijelić, V. Vraneša, A. Turković,  Transmissiom electron
                      microscopy studies of nanostructured Ti02 films on different substrates, Vacuum 80 (2005)
              81.   I. Djerdj, A. M. TONEJC, A. Turković, M. Ivanda, A. Tonejc,  Evidence on the structural
                      parameters of   different nanocrystalline materials obtained by the refinement of SAED patterns,
                     ‘’Proceedings of 7th  Multinational Congress on microscopy’’, Eds. M. Čeh,  G. Dražić,
                      S. Fidler, Slovene Society for   Microscopy, 2005,

              82.   V. Lopac, B. Hamzić, A.M. TONEJC, Status of Women in Physics in Croatia, in Women in
2nd IUPAP Inter. Conf. on Women in Physics, Rio deJaneiro, May 23-25, 2005,
                      AIP Conf. Proceeding, vol 795 (Eds. B. K. Hartline and A. Michelman-Ribeiro) Melville, New
                      York (2005) 109-110.

        83.  TONEJC A. M., Djerdj, I., Tonejc A., Bijelić, M., Buljan, M., Desnica, U. V., and Kalish, R.,

               TEM study of Carbon Nanophases Grown in Carbon-Ion Implanted Quartz, Book of Abstracts

               of The Microscopy  Conference 2005, 6. Dreiländertagung, Davos, Switzerland, September

               2005., p. 289.

        84.  TONEJC A. M., I. Djerdj, A. Tonejc and N. Radić, ''HRTEM“and  XRD line profile analysis

               of tungsten thin films”,  2nd Croatian Congress on Microscopy (with international participation),

              Topusko,  ( 2006) 140-141.

              85.  A. Turković, TONEJC A. M., I.Djerdj  , M. Bijelić, V. Vraneša, Transmission electron  microscopy

                     studies of nanostructured TiO2 films on various substrates, 2nd Croatian Congress on Microscopy

                     (with international participation),  Topusko,(2006) 120-121.

              86.  TONEJC A. M., Djerdj, I., Tonejc A., Bijelić, M., Buljan, M., Desnica, U. V., and Kalish, R.,

                     TEM study of Carbon Nanophases Grown in Carbon-Ion Implanted   Quartz,  2nd Croatian

                     Congress on Microscopy ( with international participation), Topusko,  (2006) 258-259.

              87.   I. Djerdj, A. M.TONEJC and A. Tonejc, Structural investigations of nanocrystalline TiO2 
                      samples, in Electron  Crystallography: Novel    Approaches for Structure Determination of
                      Nanosized Materials, NATO  Science Series II:  Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 211,
                      Edt, T. Weirich, J. S. Labar,  X. Zou,  Springer (2006) 497-501.
              88.   A. M. TONEJC,
HRTEM Investigation of Nanocrystalline Materials, in Electron Crystallography:
                      Novel    Approaches for Structure Determination of    Nanosized Materials, NATO  Science 
                      Series II:  Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 211,  Edt, T. Weirich, J. S. Labar,  X. Zou, 
                      Springer (2006) 497-501. 443-453.

              89.   I. Djerdj, A. M. TONEJC, M.  Bijelić, M.  Buljan, U. Desnica, R. Kalish, Transmission electron
                      microscopy study of carbon nanophase produced by ion beam implatation, Materials Science and
                      Engineering C 26 (2006) 1202-1206.

              90.   I. Djerdj, A. M. TONEJC, Structural investigation on nanocrystalline Ti02 samples, J. Alloys and
                      Compounds 413 (2006) 159-174.

              91.   A. Gajović, I. Djerdj, K. Furić, A. Tonejc, A.M. TONEJC, D. Su, R. Schlögel, R.: Synthesis
                      of ZrTiO4 by solid  state reaction in equimolar mixture of TiO2 and ZrO2, J. Am. Ceram. Soc.
                      89 (2006) 2196-2205.            
              92.  I.  Djerdj, A. M. TONEJC, A. Tonejc, N. Radić, On the applicability of different methods of

                      XRD line profile analysis in estimating grain size and microstrain in tungsten thin films,

                      Fizika A 15 (2006) 35-50.
              93.   N. Radić, P. Dubček, S. Bernstorff, I. Djerdj, A. M. TONEJC, Structural Study of

                      NanocrystallineNickel Thin Films, J. Appl. Crystallography 40 (2007) 377-382.

              94.   M. Ivanda, K. Furić, S. Musić, M. Gotić, D. Ristić, A. M. Tonejc, I. Đerđ, M. Mattarelli,. M.

                      Montagna, M. Ferrari, A. Chiasera,, Y. Jestin, G. C. Righini, W. Kiefer and R.R. Goncalves, Low

                      wavenumber Raman scattering of nanoparticles and nanocomposites materials,  J. Raman

                      Spectroscopy   38 (2007) 647-659.   

              95.   A. M. TonejcM.Ivanda and A.Tonejc,   TEM and Raman scattering determination of

                      nanocrystalline distributions  of CdSxSe1-x nanoparticles embedded in glass matrix,

                      Proceedings  of 8th Multi national Congress on Microscopy, Prag, June 17 -21, 2007.,

                      Eds. J. Nebesarova and Pavel Hozak,

              96.  J.Popović, B. Gržeta, E. Tkalčec, A. M. TONEJC, M. Bijelić and C. Goebbert,

                     Effect of tin level on particle size and strain in nanocrystalline ITO, Proceedings of Size-Strain

                     conference V,  Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Max Planck Institute for Metals Research, (2007) 79.

              97.  A. M. TONEJC, M. Ivanda i  A. Tonejc, Istraživanje CdSxSe1-x  nanočestica

                      u amorfnoj matrici elektronskom  mikroskopijom i difrakcijom, Proceedings 5. znanstvenog 

                     sastanka Hrvatskog fizikalnog društva, Primošten 2007.

              98.  Buljan, Maja, I. Bogdanović-Radović, U. Desnica, M. Ivanda, M. Jakšić, C. Saguy, R. Kalish,

                     I.  Djerdj, A. M. TONEJC, O. Gamulin, Implatation conditions for diamond nanocrystals formation

                     in  amorphous silica,  Journal of Applied Physics. 104 (2008) 034315-1-034315-8.

              99.  B. Gržeta, J. Popović, E. Tkalčec, A. M. TONEJC, M.  Bijelić, Effect of tin level on microstructure

                     of tin-doped indium oxide, Acta Crystallographica, A64 (2008) C515. 

            100.  A. M. TONEJC, S.  Gradečak, A. Tonejc, M.  Bijelić, H. Posilović, V.  Bermanec, M.Tambe,

                     Crystallographic phase and orientation analysis of GaAs nanowires by ESEM, EDS, TEM,  HRTEM

                     and SAED, Proceedings of 14th European Microscopy Congress EMC 2008, Vol. 2, Materials

                     Science / Springer, Berlin, 2008. 157-158.

            101. A. M. TONEJC, D. Medaković, S. Popović, M. Bijelić, Ž. Skoko, H. Posilović, A. Jaklin,  A.

                     Tonejc,  XRD, TEM, HRTEM and SAED investigation of the morphology and structure of the sea

                     hare species   Aplysia punctata, Proc. Microscopy  Conference MC2009 Graz 2009, Life Sciences,

                     Volume 2, p.67-68;   Eds. M. A. Pabst and G. Zellnig.

             102. A. M. TONEJC, S.  Gradečak, A. Tonejc, M.  Bijelić, M.Tambe,   Crystallographic phase and

                     orientation analysis of GaAs nanowires by electron miceoscopy methods,  Journal of Advanced

                     Microscopy Research 5 (2010) 110–115.

             103. B. Gržeta, J. Popović, E. Tkalčec, A. M. TONEJC, M. Bijelić, C. Goebert, Effect of tin level on

                     particle size and strain in nanocrystalline tin-doped indium oxide (ITO), Materials

                     Sciencence & Engineering B - Solid State Materials for Advanced Technology 176 (2011) 93-98.

             104. L. Mikac, M. Ivanda, G. Štefanić, S. Musić, K. FurićA.M. Tonejc, Spherical vibartion modes

                     of ZrO2-CuO nanoparticles, Journal of Molecular Structure 993 (2011) 198-202 .

             105. A. M. TONEJC, Dvadeset godina istraživanja nanokristalnih materijala transmisijkom

                     elektronskom kroskopijom visokog razlučivanja na Fizičkom odsjeku PMF-a u Zagrebu, u

                     KristalografijaHrvatskoj, ed. Stanko Popović, HAZU, 2012, Zagreb, 181-191.

             106. I. Lončarek, A. M. TONEJC, Ž. Skoko, N. Novosel, M. Mustapić, E. Babić, K. Zadro  i M. Ristić,

                     Istraživanje strukturnih karakteristika supravodiča magnezijevog diborida dopiranog nanočesticama

                     NiCoB,  u Kristalografija u Hrvatskoj, ed. Stanko Popović, HAZU, 2013, Zagreb, 193-202.

             107. J. Popović, B. Gržeta, E. Tkalčec, A. M. TONEJC, M. Bijelić, Struktura i mikrostruktura indijevog

                     oksida dopiranog kositrom, u Kristalografija u Hrvatskoj, ed. Stanko Popović, HAZU, 2013, Zagreb,


             108.  A. M. TONEJC, M. Ivanda, A.Tonejc, M. Bijelić, L. Mikac,  G. Štefanić, S.Musić, Evidence of

                      Phase Transition in ZrO2-CuO nanoparticles revealed by HRTEM and SAED, Proceedings

                      Microscopy   Conference 2013, ed Rachel  Reinhard, Universitätsbibliothek - Publikationen der

                      Universität  Regensburg, 2013. 385-386.

             109.  I. Lončarek, A. M. TONEJC, Ž. Skoko, N. Novosel, M. Mustapić, K. Zadro, Composition and

                      morphology investigation of NiCoB nanoparticles,  as-prepared and coated by SiO2 , Croatica

                      Chemica Acta , 86 (2013) 297-307. 

110.     A. M. TONEJC, D. Medaković, S. Popović, A. Jaklin, M. Bijelić and I. Lončarek, TEM, SAED,

         HRTEM, ESEM and EDS investigation of the morphology and structure of the opisthobranch

                      gastropod shell Aplysia punctata, Croatica Chemica Acta,  87 (2014) 143-152.

             111.  A. M. TONEJC, D. Medaković, S. Popović, A. Jaklin, M. Bijelić and I. Lončarek, Strukturna

                      istraživanja biomineralizacije morskoga zekana vrste Aplysia punctata metodama elektronske 

                      mikroskopije i difrakcije, u Suvremena kristalografija u Hrvatskoj, ed. Stanko Popović, HAZU,

                      2015, Zagreb, 95-108.

             112.  A. M. TONEJC, D. Medaković, S. Popović, A. Jaklin, M. Bijelić and I.     

                       Lončarek, Strukturna  istraživanja biomineralizacije morskoga zekana vrste 

                      Aplysia punctata  metodama elektronske   mikroskopije i difrakcije, u Suvremena 

                      kristalografija u  Hrvatskoj, ed. Stanko Popović,  HAZU, 2015, Zagreb, 95-108.

              113. I. Lončarek, A. M. TONEJC, Ž. Skoko, N. Novosel, M. Mustapić, K. Zadro,

                      Microstructural   features of  magnetic NiCoB nanoparticles addition to MgB2

                      precursor powders, Croatica  Chemica Acta, 90 (2017) 37-51.



              ST1. A. M. TONEJC, Suvremene metode mikroskopije, Zbornik 8. ljetne škole  

                      madih   fizičara, Hrvatsko Fizikalno društvo, Zagreb, lipanj 1992, 13- 27.




              NZR1. N. Novosel, D. Pajić, Ž. Skoko, I. Lončarek, S. Galić, M. Mustapić, E. Babić,

A, M.  TONEJC  and K. Zadro, Magnetic behaviour of amorphous NiCoB   

nanoparticles uncoated  and coated in silicon dioxide, submitted to Materials Research Bulletin in 2012.



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