[seminar] Seminar by Alex Barreira (LMU, Munich) Friday Jan 13th, 11am

Oleg Antipin oantipin at irb.hr
Wed Jan 11 13:34:07 CET 2023

Dear all,

This Friday, Jan 13th, we will have a seminar by Alex Barreira from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and ORIGINS Excellence Cluster.
The seminar will be at 11 am (exact) in lecture hall I, Ivan Supek wing. 

Connecting the visible to the dark Universe: probing inflation using galaxy data

Galaxy bias is the relation between the visible distribution of galaxies and their invisible dark matter-dominated environment. Studying galaxy bias leads not only to improved cosmological constraints using galaxy data, but invariably also to new insights about the astrophysics of the galaxy-environment connection. After introducing the basic concepts behind galaxy bias and its parameters, I will discuss how a good knowledge of galaxy bias is crucial to let us probe the physics of inflation using galaxy data. I will show that existing bounds on local primordial non-Gaussianity (PNG) currently suffer from serious galaxy bias uncertainties, and discuss possible ways forward. I will also show results from the first ever search for compensated isocurvature perturbations (CIP) using the scale-dependent bias effect.

Best regards,
Oleg Antipin.
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