[seminar] K. Nishiwaki, 10.7. (utorak) 11h (c.t.), seminar ZTF-a

Anđelo Samsarov Andjelo.Samsarov at irb.hr
Thu Jul 5 13:49:44 CEST 2018



     Possible  simultaneous explanation of flavor anomalies in B and K decays

      Kenji Nishiwaki
      Korea Institute for Advanced Study,
      Seoul, Korea

    Datum:  utorak, 10. srpnja 2018.
    Vrijeme: 11 sati c.t.
    Mjesto: IRB, predavaona I krila


    Recently anomalies have been reported and focused in flavor observables of
  the Kaon and B meson systems such as in the CP-violating Kaon decay
  ($\epsilon'/\epsilon$) and the violation of the lepton universality in the
  B meson decays ($R_{K^{(\ast)}}$ and $R_{D^{(\ast)}}$).

  In this talk, we focus on the scenario where vector-boson and
  vector-leptoquark candidates for addressing them are naturally
  realized as `vector-rho mesons' of a hidden strongly-coupled
  vector-like gauge theory, where the theory is manifestly anomaly-free and
the vector particles can contain couplings with the SM fermions in
  a gauge-invariant way, in the language of hidden-local symmetry.

  Addressing $\epsilon'/\epsilon$ and $R_{K^{(\ast)}}$ simultaneously is
  possible in corners of the parameter space, where the ongoing experiments,
  NA62 and KOTO, will survey such regions exhaustively through the processes
  ($K^+ \to \pi^+ \nu \bar{\nu}$ and $K_L \to \pi^0 \nu \bar{\nu}$)
  in the near future. We also comment on an interesting prediction for
  where the new physics contribution is almost vanishing due to an
  approximated symmetry
of the system.

Voditelj seminara: Anđelo Samsarov (asamsarov at irb.hr)

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