[seminar] seminar: ponedjeljak, 14.9., 16sati, F201

Vernesa Smolcic vs at phy.hr
Sun Sep 13 12:27:42 CEST 2015

Postovani kolege,

u ponedjeljak, 14.9. odrzat ce se na fizickom odsjeku u prostoriji F201 u 16 sati slijedece predavanje:

Paolo Padovani, European Southern Observatory, Garching, Njemacka

Naslov: The deep radio sky: why every astronomer should care about deep radio fields


After reviewing the various classes of objects, which make up the radio
sky, I will present some recent results on the sub-mJy source populations
based on the Extended Chandra Deep Field South VLA survey, with some 
details on their evolution and luminosity functions. I will then present the solution
to a problem, which has been unsolved since the discovery of quasars in
1963, that is the mechanism responsible for radio emission in radio-quiet
active galactic nuclei. I will put things into perspective by providing
also the "big picture". Finally, the relevance of our results to future,
deeper radio surveys, including those with the Square Kilometre Array, will
also be discussed. The talk is self-contained and requires no previous
knowledge of radio astronomy or active galactic nuclei.

Lijep pozdrav,

|   Vernesa Smolcic         
|   Associate professor                               
|   Physics Department
|   Faculty of Science University of Zagreb
|   Bijenička c. 32
|   10002 Zagreb, Croatia
|   phone: +385-(0)1-4605812
|   fax: +385-(0)1-4680336
|   web: www.phy.pmf.unizg.hr/~vs
|            http://zgal.phy.hr 

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