[seminar] Guy Paić (Tue 9th Jun, 14:00, F-201)

Ivica Smolic ismolic at phy.hr
Wed Jun 3 10:55:45 CEST 2015

Dear colleagues,

I would like to invite you to the following seminar

Guy Paić
(UNAM Mexico)

"A random walk through physics:
 From low-energy nuclear physicsto high-energy physics through small trips
to other areas in 55 years of work"

Tuesday, 9th June, 14:00h, F-102

I had the opportunity and the honour to be a member of the first 
generation of students who had completed a doctorate in nuclear physics 
in Zagreb. The successes of these early days, when it was possible that 
Zagreb is in the center of research in the field of few-nucleon systems, 
are worth mentioning and analysing. Notable successes were also achieved 
in later times, when the Zagreb group was oriented towards external 
accelerators operating at higher energies. The challenge of completely 
unexplored particle landscape has prompted the move of the research to 
an entirely new area as a part of CERN, which had the ability of 
accelerating ions of oxygen to ultra-relativistic energies. Starting 
from the challenge to create a recognizable group from Zagreb in this 
environment, the development of data analysis and the RICH detectors to 
the final current work in Mexico, created nearly three decades of 
intensive work and pleasure.

Best regards,
Ivica Smolić
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