[seminar] DANAS: Seminar Dr. Tomislav Prokopec (12 sati c.t)

Kornelija Passek passek at atila.irb.hr
Tue Oct 9 10:34:53 CEST 2007

INSTITUT "Ruder Boskovic"
Bijenicka c. 54, Zagreb, Hrvatska


  (Zajednicki seminari Zavoda za fiziku PMF-a i
       Zavoda za teorijsku fiziku  IRB-a)


Tomislav Prokopec

Institute for Theoretical Physics,
University of Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands

"Decoherence of cosmological perturbations"

  Datum: 09. listopada 2007. (utorak)
  Vrijeme: 12 sati c.t.
  Mjesto: IRB, predavaonica I krila

Cosmological perturbations (primordial gravitational potentials) are
believed to be generated as a result of amplification of matter vacuum
fluctuations during inflation.
This means that the amplified primordial gravitational potentials
have quantum character: they appear as a coherent
sum of primordial potentials on cosmological scales.
In my talk I shall discuss a simple mechanism based on which
cosmological perturbations decohere already during inflation,
resulting in an approximately classical state at late times.
For our mechanism to work at least two scalar fields
are needed during inflation. I shall argue that, quite generically,
one of the fields (the isocurvature perturbation) decoheres the other
field (the adiabatic perturbation) during inflation. I propose the entanglement 
entropy as a natural quantitative measure for decoherence and I show how it 
grows during inflation.


  Voditeljica seminara:
  dr. Kornelija Passek-Kumericki (passek at thphys.irb.hr)

Kornelija Passek-Kumericki
  E-mail: passek at thphys.irb.hr
Theoretical Physics Division
Rudjer Boskovic Institute
Bijenicka c. 54, P.O.B. 180
HR-10002 Zagreb, Croatia
Tel: ++385-1-4561-133
Fax: ++385-1-4680-223

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