Famous Physicists and Astronomers
Niels Bohr
Max Born
Louis de Broglie
Nicolaus Copernicus
Marie Curie
Paul Dirac
Albert Einstein
Michael Faraday
Enrico Fermi
Richard Phillips Feynman
Edmond Halley
Stephen Hawking
Werner Karl Heisenberg
Edwin Powell Hubble
Lord Kelvin
Johannes Kepler
Irving Langmuir
James Clerk Maxwell
Robert Andrews Millikan
Sir Isaac Newton
Blaise Pascal
Wolfgang Ernst Pauli
Max Planck
Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
Sir Ernest Rutherford
Erwin Schroedinger
Sir Joseph John Thomson
Hideki Yukawa
If you want to see all click here
The information on this web page was taken from various sources. We do not have copyrigt on it. If you have any questions, please send e-mail to D.Paar at dpaar@phy.hr
Last update: Mar. 9th, 1996.