[seminar] SEMINAR Wednesday 06.11 at 14:00, IRB, seminar ZTF-a

Oleg Antipin Oleg.Antipin at irb.hr
Mon Nov 4 10:46:43 CET 2019

Wednesday 06.11 at 14:00,
IRB, seminar ZTF-a

Salvatore Marco Giampaolo

Exploiting entanglement to detect axions

We propose a new approach in the investigation and detection of axion  
and axion--like particles based on the study of the entanglement for  
two interacting fermions.
Indeed, the evolution driven by axions--induced interaction between  
two identical spin -1/2 fermions induces a non-zero entanglement which  
detection is a proof of the existence of the axions. We show how it is  
possible to design the experiment to suppress the contribution to the  
entanglement of all other interactions. A particular care is devoted  
to the analysis of the contribution of the magnetic dipole--dipole  
interaction, that results to be the most relevant source of noice in  
our approach.
We show that its contribution to the entanglement can be suppressed by  
setting opportunely the duration of the experiment. Moreover, to  
extend the range of validity of our approach, we introduce a two--body  
correlation function which can be directly observed in an experiment  
and plays the role of an entanglement witness.

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