[seminar] [DANAS] M. Milošević, 2.11. (petak) 14h (c.t.), seminar ZTF-a

Anđelo Samsarov Andjelo.Samsarov at irb.hr
Fri Nov 2 11:07:15 CET 2018

   Observational parameters in a braneworld inflationary scenario

     Milan Milošević
     University of Niš,
     Physics Department

    Datum: petak, 2. studenoga 2018.
    Vrijeme: 14 sati c.t.
    Mjesto: IRB, predavaona I krila


   In this talk the results will be presented obtained by a software  
we developed for computing observational cosmological inflation  
parameters: the scalar spectral index (ns) and the tensor-to-scalar  
ratio (𝑟) for a braneworld inflationary scenarios.
We have studied a tachyon cosmological model based on the dynamics of  
a 3-brane in the second Randall-Sundrum (RSII) model extended to  
include matter in the bulk. The presence of matter modifies the RSII  
cosmology and tachyon potential. We have studied different types of  
tachyonic potential (inverse power law, exponential and inverse cosh)  
in the context of braneworld cosmology. The calculated numerical  
values of observational parameters are compared with the latest  
observations by the Planck Collaboration (2018).
The program is written in C/C++. The GNU Scientific Library is used  
for some of the numerical computations and R language is used for data  
analysis and plots.

The talk is based on the following papers:

1. D.D. Dimitrijevic, N. Bilić, G.S. Djordjevic, M. Milosevic, and M.
    Stojanović, Tachyon Scalar Field in a Braneworld Cosmology, in
    International Journal of Modern Physics A, 2018 (submitted)
2. N. Bilić, S. Domazet, and G.S. Djordjevic, Particle Creation and Reheating
    in a Braneworld Inflationary Scenario, Physical Review D, 96 (2017),
3. N. Bilić, S. Domazet, and G. S. Djordjevic, Tachyon with an inverse power-
    law potential in a braneworld cosmology, Class. Quantum Gravity 34, 165006
4. N. Bilić, D.D. Dimitrijevic, G.S. Djordjevic, and M.Milosevic, Tachyon
    Inflation in an AdS Braneworld with Backreaction, International Journal of
    Modern Physics A, 32 (2017)

Voditelj seminara: Anđelo Samsarov (asamsarov at irb.hr)

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