[seminar] D. Glavan, 14.3. (srijeda) 14h (c.t.), seminar ZTF-a

Anđelo Samsarov Andjelo.Samsarov at irb.hr
Tue Mar 13 11:49:05 CET 2018

                   SEMINAR  TEORIJSKE  FIZIKE

    (Zajednički seminari Fizičkog odsjeka PMF-a te Zavoda za teorijsku
     fiziku i Zavoda za eksperimentalnu fiziku IRB-a)


      Perturbative reduction of derivative order in EFT

      Dražen Glavan
      Faculty of Physics,
      University of Warsaw

    Datum:  srijeda, 14. ožujka 2018.
    Vrijeme: 14 sati c.t.
    Mjesto: IRB, predavaona I krila


   Higher derivative corrections are ubiquitous in effective field  
theories, which seemingly introduces new degrees of freedom at  
successive orders. This is actually  an artifact of the implicit local  
derivative expansion defining effective field theories. We argue that  
higher derivative corrections that introduce additional degrees of  
freedom should be removed and their effects captured either by lower  
derivative corrections, or
special  combinations of higher derivative corrections not propagating  
extra degrees of freedom. Three  methods adapted for this task are  
examined and field redefinitions are found to be most appropriate.  
First order higher derivative corrections
in a scalar tensor theory are removed by field redefinition and it is  
found that their effects are captured by a subset of Horndeski  
theories. A case is made for restricting the effective field theory  
expansions in principle to only terms not
introducing additional degrees of freedom.

Voditelj seminara: Anđelo Samsarov (asamsarov at irb.hr)

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