[seminar] Seminar Yakaboylu, Emergence of non-Abelian..., Thursday, 13. 12. 2018., 15h

Hrvoje Buljan hbuljan at phy.hr
Wed Dec 12 15:05:49 CET 2018

Dear colleagues,
this is a reminder for tomorrow's seminar at 15.00 (we have two of them)!
Looking forward

Dear colleagues,

I would like to announce QuantiXLie and Department of Physics seminar that
will be given by

Enderalp Yakaboylu
Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria)

Title: Emergence of non-Abelian magnetic monopoles and Anyonic statistics
in quantum impurity problems

Place: Fizički odsjek, Plava soba (1. kat)
Time:  Thursday, 13. 12. 2018., 15h

By virtue of emergent gauge fields in quantum impurity problems, we
demonstrate that in experimentally realized regime the angulon, a quantum
rotor dressed by bosonic excitations, can be seen as a point charge on a
twosphere interacting with a gauge field of non-Abelian monopole. We find
a topological transition associated with making the monopole Abelian,
which takes place in the vicinity of the previously reported angulon
instabilities. Furthermore, we show that identical impurities interacting
with a twodimensional many-particle environment obey anyonic statistics.
In particular, we find that the bath manifests itself as an external
magnetic flux tube with respect to the impurities, and hence the
time-reversal symmetry is broken for the effective Hamiltonian describing
the impurities. The emerging flux tube acts as a statistical gauge field
after a certain critical coupling such that each of the impurities can be
viewed as a flux-tube-charged-particle composite described by fractional
statistics. The proposed setup paves the way to realizing anyons using
electrons interacting with superfluid helium or lattice phonons, as well
as using atomic impurities in ultracold gases.
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