[seminar] (18.10.2017. 13:00) [*promjena termina*] Shapes and excitation in atomic nuclei within the microscopically-guided algebraic model

Mihael Makek makek at phy.hr
Fri Oct 6 11:19:14 CEST 2017

Poštovane kolegice i kolege,

obzirom na predstojeći sastanak HFDa mijenja se termin seminara koji će
održati dr. Kosuke Nomura sa Fizičkog odsjeka PMFa pod naslovom:

"Shapes and excitation in atomic nuclei within the microscopically-guided
algebraic model"

Mjesto: Fizički odsjek, F-201
Vrijeme: srijeda 18. listopada 2017, 13:00


Dear colleagues,

the seminar by dr. Kosuke Nomura:

"Shapes and excitation in atomic nuclei within the microscopically-guided
algebraic model"

will be held one week later to avoid the collision with the HFD meeting.

Location: Department of Physics, F-201
Time: 13:00, Wednesday, October 18th, 2017

----SEMINAR ABSTRACT--------------------------------------------------

Like other finite quantum many-body systems, atomic nucleus exhibits
stunning collective excitations that are associated with geometrical
shapes. The growing interest in the study of nuclear shapes and collective
excitations, including those of short-lived nuclei that are becoming
accessible in experiments at radioactive-ion-beam facilities worldwide,
necessitates a timely systematic theoretical analysis. On the other hand,
the underlying nucleonic dynamics is highly complex that a quantitative,
as well as reliable, description of these phenomena presents a major
theoretical challenge.

This talk will focus on the recently developed method that is constructed
by bridging the microscopic framework provided by the nuclear density
functional theory and algebraic theory of interacting bosons. The method
has opened up many new possibilities of analysing complex nuclear shapes
and collective excitations in an accurate, systematic and computationally
feasible manner. I will present the basic notions of the method and
highlight recent applications to the topics that include the phenomena of
quantum phase transitions and shape coexistence, and the spectroscopy of
nuclei with odd number of nucleons. These are recurrent themes of interest
in low-energy nuclear physics.


Mihael Makek

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