[seminar] Seminar ZEF-a - C. Collard, 29.11.2017., 14.15 sati, I krilo

Dinko Ferencek Dinko.Ferencek at irb.hr
Mon Nov 27 13:26:04 CET 2017

Zavod za eksperimentalnu fiziku

Zagreb, 23.11.2017.

*S E M I N A R*



*Srijeda, 29. studeni 2017. **u**14.15 **sati**, **Predavaonica**I 




/Dr. Caroline Collard/

/Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien, Strasbourg/

/Članica kolaboracije CMS/


In this seminar, I will discuss one of the major quests in particle 
physics: the search for new physics. The Standard Model (SM) of particle 
physics is performing really well in describing the particles of matter 
and their interactions. However, it has a number of shortcomings which 
make us believe that we need a broader theory, going beyond the Standard 
Model (BSM). There are plenty of models on the market, but which one is 
the one chosen by Nature? The Large Hadron Collider provides us a great 
experimental facility where to conduct our searches. In this seminar, I 
will focus on the CMS detector, located at one collision point on the 
LHC. I will explain first how we detect the different particles of the 
Standard Model. I will then discuss how we search for new particles 
taking as an example the searches for Supersymmetry, the most popular 
BSM theory. At the end, I will briefly conclude with actual mass limits 
on the supersymmetric particles.

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