[seminar] Holger Lehmann (Wed 26th Apr, 15:00h, F-201)

Ivica Smolic ismolic at phy.hr
Mon Apr 24 12:05:49 CEST 2017

Dear colleagues,

I would like to invite you to the following seminar,

Dr. Holger Lehmann
(Thuringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg,
Karl-Schwarzschild-Observatorium, Germany)

"Spectroscopic analysis of oscillating Algol-type stars -- a challenge"

Wednesday, 26th April, 15:00h, F-201


I will shortly introduce the class of oscillating Algol-type stars and
discuss their outstanding properties for stellar evolution studies and
the advantages of their analysis with asteroseismic methods. Then I
will  focus on the comparison of different methods of the determination
of accurate radial velocities for this class of eclipsing binary stars
that shows a pronounced Rossiter effect. Finally, I will introduce a
newly developed method that allows to determine separate LSD profiles of
the components of EBs and to restore the corresponding spectra. The
method will be able, for the first time, to obtain a time series of
spectra of the components of a binary from a time series of composite

Best regards,
Ivica Smolić

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