[seminar] znanstveni seminar HFD-a / CFS science colloquium: Tue, Nov/29, 2pm, F-201

Vernesa Smolcic vs at phy.hr
Tue Nov 29 11:59:50 CET 2016

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Vernesa Smolcic <vs at phy.hr>
> Subject: [seminar] znanstveni seminar HFD-a / CFS science colloquium: Tue, Nov/29, 2pm, F-201
> Date: 25 November 2016 at 08:41:58 GMT+1
> To: seminar at phy.hr
> Dear all,
> the next science colloquium of the Croatian Physical Society will be held Tuesday, Nov/29th, at 2pm (sharp) in F-201.
> Speaker: Andrea Bracco, Irfu-CEA/Saclay France
> Title: And Now for Something completely different: exploring interstellar magnetic fields in the Milky Way
> Abstract: What would you say if you were asked: "What is the Milky Way made of?" Most likely, and reasonably, "stars" would be the answer. However, not only stars are just one facet of the Galactic content but modern astrophysics also struggles in explaining the details of their formation process. In order to gain insights into this problem it is key to study the physics of the outer space that fills the Galaxy between stars, which is called interstellar medium. 
> The interstellar medium is a plasma made of cosmic rays, multiphase gas, and dust particles, all tightly coupled with magnetic fields. It is through their interactions that a complex cycle, involving gravity, several phase transitions, and magneto-hydrodynamic turbulence, leads diffuse/warm matter to condense into denser/colder regions, where stars eventually form. However, the detailed processes of this matter cycle are still unclear. For decades, one of the most difficult challenges of astrophysical observations has been the characterization of magnetic fields along this evolutionary sequence. 
> Today, thanks to the technological breakthrough of new experiments, such as the ESA-Planck satellite, we are now entering a new era to probe the magnetic properties of the interstellar medium.  
> After reviewing the state-of-the-art investigation of magnetic fields in the Milky Way, in this talk I will give an introductive overview of the recent results obtained by the Planck Consortium. Using unprecedented maps of linear polarization at sub-millimeter wavelengths, for the first time, we were able to trace the magnetic field structure of our own Galaxy over the whole sky. I will focus on several aspects of our data analysis that show the relevance of magnetic fields in the Galactic environment, from the diffuse medium to the regions where early star formation takes place.
> I will conclude my talk with interesting perspectives for the future to study the magnetic properties of the Milky Way by combining multiple probes of the interstellar medium with existing and upcoming experiments, such as Planck, LOFAR, and SKA.  
> Kind regards,
> Vernesa
> --------------------------------------------------------
> |   Vernesa Smolcic         
> |   Associate professor                               
> |   Physics Department
> |   Faculty of Science University of Zagreb
> |   Bijenička c. 32
> |   10002 Zagreb, Croatia
> |   phone: +385-(0)1-4605812
> |   fax: +385-(0)1-4680336
> |   web: www.phy.pmf.unizg.hr/~vs <http://www.phy.pmf.unizg.hr/~vs>
> |            http://zgal.phy.hr <http://zgal.phy.hr/> 
> ---------------------------------------------------------
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