[seminar] seminars of Theoretical Physics Division

Anđelo Samsarov Andjelo.Samsarov at irb.hr
Thu Nov 24 20:57:15 CET 2016

Dear  Colleagues,

as you may already know, Kornelija is no more in charge of  
managing/organizing the  Theoretical Physics Division seminars (TPD)   
at IRB, since she has  graciously handed over this  respectable  
obligation to me.
Even without her long experience and a special way of conducting the  
seminars that some of you might get used to, I would like to express  
my  wish to continue along with the same  enthusiasm and vigor.

In that respect, I would like to inform you that  we plan to continue  
with our  seminars   at the Theoretical Physics Department at IRB.
Speaking of that, we shall try to keep the pace that was set up by  
Kornelija. This  means that we plan to have approximately one seminar  
in two weeks which, if possible,  are foreseen   to not overlap with  
the week in which the Journal Club takes place.

I am also using this opportunity to kindly invite you to take part in  
the upkeep and advancement of  TPD seminars through your constructive  
engagement in the form of presenting your recent work or those of your  
results that you deem interesting and important. This  comes to  
prominence especially if you either  have already prepared a talk that  
you plan to give  at some forthcoming conference  or you have already  
had a presentation at some recent conference.
   While I am sure that this additional   effort  from your  side  
should not cause any problem  to you, it would also enable us to get  
to better know your work and to see your presentation at our  
Department  as well.

   Of course, all other members from the seminar mailing list are most  
welcomingly invited to  present their  work.

    In front of the Seminar room of  Theoretical Physics Division you  
may find the  new list with the lecturers  that  have already agreed  
to make a presentation. As you may note, the list is rather sparse so  
far, so do not hesitate to make it more complete (the list is flexible  
in a sense that in due course it is possible to switch or shift the  

In the  case you decide to give a seminar, feel free to contact me,  
either by e-mail (asamsarov at irb.hr) or directly.
Make sure that you send me the title and the abstract of your presentation.
The seminars are most usually held in the main hall of the 1st wing at  
IRB and  (or occasionally) in the hall of the 3rd wing. In the special  
we shall organize  presentations in the Seminar room of Theoretical  
Physics Division at IRB.
Looking forward to see you at the seminars of Theoretical Physics Division,
Thank you and with best regards,

Anđelo Samsarov
Voditelj seminara

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