[seminar] [DANAS] G. Popara, 23.11., (srijeda) 11 sati (c.t.) predavaona krila Ivana Supeka

Kornelija Passek-Kumericki passek at irb.hr
Wed Nov 23 10:37:07 CET 2016

                         SEMINAR  TEORIJSKE  FIZIKE

     (Zajednički seminari Fizičkog odsjeka PMF-a te Zavoda za teorijsku
      fiziku i Zavoda za eksperimentalnu fiziku IRB-a)


Light window for right-handed neutrinos in the Left-Right symmetric model

Goran Popara
Zavod za teorijsku fiziku

     Datum:  srijeda, 23. studenoga 2016.
     Vrijeme: 11 sati c.t.
     Mjesto: IRB, dvorana krila Ivana Supeka

Left-right symmetric models, introduced to explain parity violation of
weak interactions, also offer an appealing solution to the problem of
neutrino masses by naturally embedding the see-saw mechanism, with
right-handed Majorana neutrinos being a crucial ingredient. Since
current experimental searches set a lower limit on the left-right scale
in a TeV range, accessible to the colliders such as LHC, there is a
possibility to probe the Majorana nature of neutrinos using the so
called Keung-Senjanovi\'{c} process, a high-energy analogue to the
neutrinoless double beta decay.
Study of a light window for right-handed neutrinos, an area of parameter
space where LHC reach is not yet assessed, presents some challenges
related to the Monte Carlo simulations of the Keung-Senjanovi\'{c} process,
with the main problem being the numerical instability of the
general-purpose Monte Carlo simulation software.
After a brief discussion of the model, the main part of the talk will be
the Keung-Senjanov\'{c} process, its most important features, and the
solution of the numerical problems in the form of the custom event
generator. Some details of the event generator, its comparison to the
existing software, and some preliminary results will also be presented.

Voditeljica seminara: Kornelija Passek-Kumericki (passek at irb dot hr)
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