[seminar] Andrej Zorko: Phase Separation in Spin Systems, petak 10.10.2014. u 14h

Damir Pajic dpajic at phy.hr
Wed Oct 8 09:40:17 CEST 2014

Poštovane kolegice i kolege,

U petak 10.10.2014. u 14:00 h u predavaonici F201 (seminar na II. katu 
FO) seminar će održati Andrej Zorko iz Instituta Jožef Stefan uz naslov 
"Phase Separation in Spin Systems".


Phase separation in a uniform system is a widespread phenomenon found
in diverse fields of matter, ranging from biological systems to soft 
matter and strongly correlated electron systems. Electronic 
inhomogeneity is a fascinating effect, well known from high-Tc cuprates, 
colossal magnetoresistive manganites and many other transition-metal 
oxides. It is related to competing degrees of freedom and it generally 
requires active charge degrees of freedom. However, a similar phenomenon 
may be expected also in geometrically frustrated spin systems with 
multiple competing degenerate phases. I will present a paradigm of an 
intrinsically inhomogeneous magnetostructural state that was recently 
experimentally detected in a triangular-lattice antiferromagnet. The 
crucial role of geometrical frustration and near-degenerate crystal 
structures in stabilizing this unprecedented ground state will be discussed.

Cjeloviti oglas je u prilogu.

Lijep pozdrav,
Damir Pajić, voditelj Seminara FO

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