[seminar] Holger B. Nielsen, 09.07. (srijeda) 14h (c.t.), Predavaona I krila IRB

Kornelija Passek-Kumericki passek at atila.irb.hr
Fri Jul 4 13:13:09 CEST 2014

                       SEMINAR  TEORIJSKE  FIZIKE

   (Zajednički seminari Fizičkog odsjeka PMF-a te Zavoda za teorijsku
    fiziku i Zavoda za eksperimentalnu fiziku IRB-a)


Novel String Field Theory Solving String Theory 
Liberating Left and Right Movers

Holger B. Nielsen
The Niels Bohr Institute 
Copenhagen, Denmark

   Datum:  srijeda, 09. srpnja 2014.
   Vrijeme: 14 sati c.t.
   Mjesto: IRB, predavaona I krila


A model that should be a String Field Theory is set up. 
The main - and nontrivial point - is to derive that
the scattering of, what corresponds to the strings, 
is the Veneziano model.  It is remarkable to have scattering at
all in our model, because it is described by some ``objects'' 
that do not develop at all, but only are reshuffled from one
string to the other. So all scattering seems to be just an exchange 
of objects, but nothing happens at the ``fundamental'' level.

Voditeljica seminara: Kornelija Passek-Kumericki (passek at irb dot hr)
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