[seminar] [DANAS] Holger B. Nielsen, 15.12. (ponedjeljak) 14h (c.t.), Predavaona I krila IRB

Kornelija Passek-Kumericki passek at atila.irb.hr
Mon Dec 15 11:32:18 CET 2014

                       SEMINAR  TEORIJSKE  FIZIKE

   (Zajednički seminari Fizičkog odsjeka PMF-a te Zavoda za teorijsku
    fiziku i Zavoda za eksperimentalnu fiziku IRB-a)


Standard Model and Graviweak Unification with
(Super)Renormalizable Gravity. Mirror universe idea.

Holger B. Nielsen
The Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark

   Datum:  ponedjeljak, 15. prosinca 2014.
   Vrijeme: 14 sati c.t.
   Mjesto: IRB, predavaona I krila


Based on a formulation of Plebansky for gravity we develop the self-consistent 
Spin(4, 4)-invariant model of the unification of gravity with weak SU(2) gauge 
and Higgs fields in the visible and
invisible sectors of our Universe. We consider a general case of the Graviweak 
unification, including the higher-derivative super-renormalizable theory of 
gravity, which is unitary, asymptotically-free
and perturbatively consistent theory of the quantum gravity.

Voditeljica seminara: Kornelija Passek-Kumericki (passek at irb dot hr)
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