[seminar] Meng-Ru Wu (Fri 5th Dec, 10:30h, F102)

Ivica Smolic ismolic at phy.hr
Mon Dec 1 13:52:38 CET 2014

Dear colleagues,

I would like to invite you to the following seminar

Meng-Ru Wu
(Institut für Kernphysik, TU Darmstadt, Germany)

"Neutrino oscillations in core-collapse supernovae"

Friday, 5th of December, 10:30h, F-102

Core-collapse supernova explosions signify the death of massive stars by
releasing nearly all of their gravitational binding in neutrinos. These
neutrinos play essential roles in various physical processes in supernovae,
such as the revival of the supernova shock and supernova nucleosynthesis.
Also, the supernova neutrino signals serves as an unique tool to probe the
properties of the dense core of supernovae. To really understand the effect
of neutrinos in core-collapse supernovae, it is important to model the
neutrino oscillations that happen in this unique environment. In this
talk, I will discuss the status and potential impact of neutrino
oscillations in core-collapse supernovae and the problems and challenges of
modelling this complicated phenomenon.

Best regards,

Ivica Smolić
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