[seminar] podsjetnik na DANASNJI seminar na IF-u u 15:00

Berislav Horvatic horvatic at ifs.hr
Mon Jan 10 11:34:31 CET 2011

podsjećamo Vas na današnji seminar na 
Institutu za fiziku u 15:00 sati:


      Institut za fiziku, Bijenička cesta 46,

      predavaonica u zgradi Mladen Paić

      ponedjeljak, 10. siječnja 2011, u 15:00 sati

      Time-resolved spectroscopy using

      Topological light-waves

      Dr. Yasunori Toda

      Department of Applied Physics, Hokkaid? University,

      Kita-13, Nishi-8, Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-8628, Japan


      Presently a visiting researcher at the Jožef Stefan Institute,

      Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


      E-mail: toda at eng.hokudai.ac.jp

      Topological light-waves, showing phase/polarization singularities, provide a new scope for the investigation of light-matter interactions, and they can also lead to new applications in various fields. In this seminar I will present our recent spectroscopic studies using topological light-waves for the electron dynamics in crystals. One of the experiments demonstrates the topological charge transfer to the electrons, paving the way for the future optical communications using multiple phase singularities. Another demonstration is performed on the topological crystals, which allows to study the influence of topology on the electron-lattice interactions. I will also show that the reduced symmetry of the crystal provides a unique dynamics of the topological waves themselves.



      Voditelji seminara IF-a:  Berislav Horvatić  &  Ivica Živković

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