[seminar] podsjetnik na DANASNJI seminar na IF-u u 15:00

Berislav Horvatić horvatic at ifs.hr
Mon Feb 8 11:43:25 CET 2010

podsjećamo Vas na današnji seminar
na Institutu za fiziku u 15:00 sati:

      Institut za fiziku, Bijenička cesta 46,

      predavaonica u zgradi Mladen Paić

      ponedjeljak, 8. veljače 2010, u 15:00 sati

      Morphometry and structure

      of natural random tilings

      dr. Primož Ziherl

      Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, Jadranska 19, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


      Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

      E-mail: primoz.ziherl at ijs.si

      To better understand the observed universality of their structure, we analyze the morphometry of a set of living and inanimate planar cellular partitions. We characterize them by the distributions of polygon reduced area, a scale-free measure of the roundedness of polygons. These distributions are fairly sharp and seem to belong to the same family. By comparing the frequencies of the polygon classes, we map all samples onto model tilings of equal-area, equal-perimeter polygons. We argue that the random two-dimensional patterns can be parametrized by their median reduced area alone.


      Voditelji seminara IF-a:  Berislav Horvatić  &  Marko Kralj

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