[seminar] Seminar Dr. Carlos Tamarit (srijeda, 23.07, 15:00 sati c.t)

Larisa Jonke larisa at irb.hr
Tue Jul 22 12:28:58 CEST 2008

 INSTITUT "Ruder Boskovic"
 Bijenicka c. 54, Zagreb, Hrvatska
   (Zajednicki seminari Zavoda za fiziku PMF-a i
        Zavoda za teorijsku fiziku  IRB-a)
Dr. Carlos Tamarit
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
"Renormalisability of the matter determinants in noncommutative gauge
theory in the enveloping-algebra formalism"
   Datum: 23. srpnja 2008. (srijeda)
   Vrijeme: 15:00 sati c.t.
   Mjesto: IRB, predavaonica I krila
 A brief overview of the current situation in the research regarding the
renormalisability of noncommutative gauge theories defined by means of
Seiberg-Witten maps will be given.
Then, the reasons behind the observed renormalisability of the matter
contributions to the gauge sector of the effective action, which holds
independently of the matter content, will be explained. This will be done by
considering a noncommutative gauge theory defined for an arbitrary
semisimple gauge group, with Dirac fermions or complex scalars in an
arbitrary representation of the group, and computing the one-loop UV
divergent matter contributions to the gauge field effective action to all
orders in the noncommutative parameters theta. Surprisingly, it turns out
that the UV divergent parts of the matter contributions are proportional to
the noncommutative Yang-Mills action where traces are taken over the
representation of the matter fields.
   Voditeljica seminara:
   Larisa Jonke (larisa at irb.hr)
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