[Biofizika] Fwd: New PostDoc position on engineering an efficient resource recycling system in E.coli (ref. EN20160385FH)

Juraj Szavits Nossan jszavits at staffmail.ed.ac.uk
Pon Stu 7 10:28:22 CET 2016

> Begin forwarded message:
> *From: *Guy-Bart Stan <g.stan at imperial.ac.uk 
> <mailto:g.stan at imperial.ac.uk>>
> *Subject: **New PostDoc position on engineering an efficient resource 
> recycling system in E.coli (ref. EN20160385FH)*
> *Date: *November 1, 2016 at 11:19:37 PM GMT+8
> *To: *undisclosed-recipients: ;
> *Resent-From: *Yizhi.Cai at ed.ac.uk <mailto:Yizhi.Cai at ed.ac.uk>
> Dear Colleagues,
> Could you please forward the following information to any excellent 
> synthetic biology PostDoc interested in participating in the 
> development of a *novel, fast and efficient resource recycling system 
> for improving the performance of engineered cells*.
> _*Deadline for applications:*_ 27 November 2016 (midnight GMT)
> _*Brief description:*_
> The Department of Bioengineering (Stan Group, 
> http://www.bg.ic.ac.uk/research/g.stan/group, 
> http://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/g.stan) at Imperial College London is 
> seeking to appoint an excellent, highly motivated and dynamic Research 
> Associate to join the Centre for Synthetic Biology and Innovation 
> (CSYNBI), on a fixed-term position to work on a novel and exciting 
> *synthetic biology* project.
> The position will be based at the South Kensington Campus in the Stan 
> Group, working closely with Dr Guy-Bart Stan, his research group and 
> other members of CSYNBI on a project focused on the use and control of 
> proteases in E. coli and the re-engineering of the trans-translation 
> pathway to increase the turn-over/recycling of amino acids and thereby 
> improve production yields of proteins. The successful candidate will 
> design and implement a novel and *efficient synthetic resource 
> recycling system* that will allow for any strain of a given bacterial 
> host expressing a synthetic biology construct to a) sense the 
> occurrence of wasteful sequestration of ribosomes and amino acids and 
> b) automatically activate, in response, a synthetic recycling 
> mechanism releasing these resources, thereby offering a novel way to 
> increase protein production yields by simultaneously improving growth 
> and protein production rates.
> We seek a highly motivated individual to fill this post, in possession 
> of a PhD or equivalent in synthetic biology, molecular microbiology, 
> systems biology, or cellular engineering with desired postdoctoral 
> experience in a synthetic biology lab.
> The ideal candidate will have expertise in E. coli synthetic biology 
> and microbial biology engineering, and in mathematical modelling and 
> numerical simulations (deterministic and/or stochastic) of biological 
> or biochemical systems. He or she will be proficient in designing and 
> cloning genes using next generation cloning methods (e.g. Gibson, 
> Golden Gate, BASIC, etc.) and in engineering of cellular systems. 
> Experience with fluorescence-based measurement and analysis, FACS, and 
> genetic engineering are essential. Expertise and/or experience with 
> mathematical modelling (e.g. using Matlab) is highly desirable. The 
> post is funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Science Research 
> Council (EPSRC).
> _*For more details and to apply:*_ 
> https://www4.ad.ic.ac.uk/OA_HTML/OA.jsp?page=/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/VisVacDispPG&akRegionApplicationId=821&transactionid=567147296&retainAM=Y&addBreadCrumb=S&p_svid=50158&p_spid=1809313&oapc=8&oas=yp_o6rMcrRp6ijY5Qa87iA
> If there is a problem with the above link, please go to 
> https://www4.ad.ic.ac.uk/OA_HTML/IrcVisitor.jsp and search using 
> *EN20160385FH* in the Keywords section to find the advert and how to apply
> -- 
> Dr Guy-Bart Stan, EPSRC Fellow, CEng, MIEEE, MIET
> Reader in Engineering Design for Synthetic Biology
> "Control Engineering Synthetic Biology" Group Leader
> Department of Bioengineering
> Imperial College London
> Personal Webpage:http://www.bg.ic.ac.uk/research/g.stan/
> Group Webpage:http://www.bg.ic.ac.uk/research/g.stan/group/
> Imperial Synthetic Biology webpage:http://www.imperial.ac.uk/synthetic-biology
> Office: +44 (0) 207 59 46375
> Fax: +44 (0) 207 59 49817

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